
Keynote Speaker


School Connect

Travel Camps


Inner Circle

Evolution Circles' Programs are designed to help you understand and apply the principles and concepts necessary to create a thriving life. You can look forward to understanding the Universal Laws, understanding your mind and how to use it to create what you want. These programs are an exclusive mix of education and experience.


"We come this way but once, either we tiptoe through life & hope to get to death without getting badly bruised, or we live a full life, realizing our wildest dreams. So don’t just settle for what you think you can get. Don't let the imaginary glass ceiling stop you. Don't succumb to fear. This is your Life. Set a goal so big that it excites you & scares you at the same time."

It’s not enough to want to do better, you need to take action on your wants and your dreams. Let this session empower you with the understanding you need to implement the concepts taught so that you may attain any goal you truly desire. Let Vaibhav flame the spark already present in you.

Be a part of this program to integrate your beliefs with your behaviour and unlock the secrets of unlimited human potential.


Workplace is an interactive training session designed for the 21st century professionals. Suggestive workshop or seminar programs include Work Life Balance, Systems Thinking, Decision Making, Paradigm Shift and Future of Tomorrow, but generally unique tailor made experiences are designed to cater to the right set of individuals to achieve incredible results.

Throughout the event, Vaibhav works with you to identify primary goals and objectives that you want to achieve. The training is to realise the things that truly matter to you. On how to tap into them to make them a part of your lives. It is for you to be more and better.

Contact us to experience a strategic mix of education, accountability, and action.


Technology has changed the way we live, the way we work, what we do for a living, how we live and even how we think. Technology is driving, building and operating. We are going through change, and a change unlike that occurred during the industrial revolution. But we don’t seem to be aware of the importance or the scale of this change and what it means for preparing young people for life after school. The pace of change is mandating that we produce faster, smarter, better humans. What this also means that we need individuals to learn, unlearn and learn again.

But education is not merely a means of earning a living, it is a pursuit of truth and the practice of virtue. So we associate with schools to Mentor both the teachers and the students helping them achieve the Education required today. We also apply and integrate Vedic Principles along with the modern education to develop a sensitive and value based society. Our idea is to prepare students for Eternal Happiness in this world.

Connect with us to make this a part of your school curriculum.


How do you know what you want to do if you don’t know what’s out there to do? So travel. Travel to learn. Travel to discover. Travel to the places that will challenge who you think you want to be. Don’t just travel to the obvious places. Travel to the tough places.

Evolution Circles Travel Camps is an initiative in the above pursuit. We journey to places where the veil between the physical and spiritual is thin. Such nature camps revitalise and energise us, and give us an experience of our Inner Nature.

To join us on one of the adventures, please look for the upcoming events or contact us for a specialised group event.


Know Why You Matter. Find Your Passion. Make Wise Decisions. Manage Your Time. Stop Procrastinating. Handle Pressure & Expectations. Focus & Lead. Forgive & Make Peace with Others. Sleep Better. Get & Stay Healthy. Finish What You Start. Be a Good Friend. Have a Great Relationship with Your Parents. Discover Your Genius. Become Self-Aware. And Form Healthy Habits.

Unlike any other, it is a unique long term learning program. If you wish to you train your mind to lead in the 21st century, come join the Evolution Circles Academy.


Inner Circle is an incredible opportunity to join Vaibhav and a group of like-minded individuals to learn from their experience, gain from their knowledge and intertwine your life with theirs – to improve and expand your life.

We all know how important your circle of friends and confidants is to your success and happiness. But, the truth is, most people find themselves in a circle of influence where the only place they’re being led is to more of the same or perhaps, unfortunately even worse results.

This your chance to be a part of organized masterminding group, who are making it happen – and want to help you achieve your goals. Remember we are the average of five people we spend the most time with.