
Art of Being

Inner Connect

Systems Thinking

What Matters

Work Live Play

Life Care

Evolution Circles' Events are educational, engaging and inspiring. Being bombarded with information is one thing, but to be inspired, to feel the joy of living, to tap into your inner strength, commitment and courage, is something entirely different. These are the emotions that will drive you to apply what you have learned, for real and lasting outcomes. We deliver that experience. Our events empower you to consistently follow through on what you have learned, to create unstoppable momentum.


Breathe in, breathe out. Feel your abdomen expanding and contracting slightly with each inhalation and exhalation. Observe the rhythm of your breath. Use your senses fully. Be where you are. Be aware of the silent presence of each thing. Be aware of the space that allows everything to be. Feel the life energy inside your body. Move deeply into the Now.

Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. When you master Meditation and Mindfulness, you find an unwavering confidence that draws your dreams and goals closer with each breath.

Experience the Art of Being to reduce stress, improve sleep, feel connected, increase attention span, improve brain function and increase immunity.


Inner Connect is one of a kind Transformational program that will question your existence for the better. It will intrigue upon what really matters in life. A generous mix of Philosophy and Psychology, it will pin-point your Purpose, Vision and Goals for your absolute success.

To get a glimpse of its nature and its effect, just ask yourself a very simple question; 'If given a choice to choose the age of my death, would I strive to live indefinitely, die now or would I rather leave it to my fate to decide?' Question yourself the repercussions of your answer and that what does it tell you about your current state of mind. Herein, for the first time, you would be introduced to the Art of Dying, a phenomenal concept integrated with the Art of Being.

With this, you would be enabled to write a Vision for your Life. This Vision will be the strategy behind the fulfillment of your Purpose. And you shall accomplish this strategy by creating several short-term Goals that keep you on track.


There is a single mental move which has the potential to solve enormous problems. You can virtually eliminate conflict and confusion in your life by becoming proficient at it. It's called Decision Making. No one can see you make decisions but they will almost always see the results of your decisions. The person who fails to develop the ability to make decisions is doomed because indecision sets up internal conflicts which can, without warning, escalate into mental and emotional wars. Unfortunately something as important as Decision Making, is never taught to you.

Systems Thinking is one of the most powerful tools in this process of Decision Making. It not only helps you solve problems objectively, but also leverages the potential of Paradigm Shift. And as Paradigms are responsible for almost every single thing in your life, changing the Paradigm is the only way to transcend and evolve.


What Matters is a program unlike any other. It will question the very essence of what it will mean to be human in the coming century. After literally conquering the entire world with the means of technology, the search is for what's next? Is it just intelligent robots and flying cars, or is it the beings flying themselves? Are we moving beyond what we can understand?

With all the technological advancement are we taking away the autonomy of the individual? Or are we founding new tenets of liberalism, democracy and personal autonomy. But even that's not all, we need to question further, that what might happen if humans upgrade themselves into what we today know as Gods.

We are today standing at the edge of a cliff after a long and arduous journey. And the journey doesn’t seem so important any more. We are now about to step into thin air. Humanity is about to set sail on an open sea.


We are far more powerful than our ancestors, but the question is, are we much happier. It doesn’t seem so. Compared to what most people in history dreamt about, we may be living in paradise. But for some reason, we don’t feel the same. Maybe happiness depends less on objective conditions and more on our own expectations. Expectations, however, tend to adapt to conditions. And when things improve, expectations balloon, leaving us as dissatisfied as before. Or maybe, we simply don’t understand what Happiness is. We are like a driver who pushes the fuel pedal for all he is worth, but the gear is still in neutral. No wonder that we are producing a lot of noise and energy, but we aren’t really getting anywhere.

With Work Live Play, let us find the right balance. Let us arrange work for your maximum effectiveness. Let us erase negative thought patterns and retrain the brain for peace. Let us obtain whatever it is that’s desired in your life.


We were never designed for the sedentary, indoor, sleep-deprived, socially-isolated, fast-food-laden, frenetic pace of modern life. We were designed to live peacefully in harmony with nature. What this means is a lifestyle aimed towards Wellness and Sustainable Living.

Life Care aims to introduce what Wellness and Sustainable Living really is. And why everyone necessarily needs to integrate the two in their own lifestyle. For Wellness is not only Physical and Spiritual, but also Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Environmental, Occupational and Financial. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a Healthy and Fulfilling Life. And maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a Higher Quality Life.

Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. Sustainable Living on the other hand complements that objective by maintaining a Natural Balance, not only in the Earth's natural ecology and cycles, but also in our own lives.